Friday, September 25, 2009

3 weeks on either side

Well, I have hit the midway point of my trip to India. The weeks have become a routine of waking up later than I want to, not doing all the things I hoped to do during daylight, and having work take up 12 hours of my day. I also think this weekend will mirror the other 2 that I've experienced; hanging out with work people on Saturday & shopping/relaxing on Sunday.

One of the things that makes this upcoming weekend somewhat different is Saturday. We're planning on going to a sports bar and watching a cricket game. Sports, and especially cricket, have never really been at the top of my list of favorite things, but I'm excited. I don't know anything about cricket, so it will be fun to hang out and learn about it while having a few beers. Also, it's a big game between India and Pakistan, so I'm sure the bar will be amped up, which always makes for a better sports viewing experience.

A really exciting thing that is now a solid plan is our trip to Goa. We're heading up there next weekend right after work to spend some time on the beach. The water is supposed to be 75-80 degrees! We're utilizing the entire weekend for the trip by leaving 2 hours after work on Saturday morning & getting back an hour after work starts on Monday. I haven't been to too many beaches, and never one on the Arabian Sea, so I am excited. I'll be taking a lot of pictures, but for some reason I haven't been able to add any to my blogs since the first week I was here.

Anyway, it's off to work for this guy. Hopefully we can leave a little early if everything gets done on time & then I can get into my weekend sleep schedule. I hope to spend at least a couple hours reading by the pool tomorrow before the cricket watching adventure. Have a good weekend everyone!

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